{{tag>webhook jenkins github}} ====== Triggering Jenkins build on Github push event ====== The user on jenkins needs to have access to the repo. Jenkins needs to have the plugin installed {{ :wiki:screenshots:jenkins_github_plugin.png?800 |}} In project configuration then the only thing to do is to check the mark **GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling** In Github repo create the webhook manually. {{ :wiki:screenshots:gh_webhook_edit.png?800 |}} Obviously make sure the Jenkins can pull the repo, the firewall allows Github webhook IPs etc. See {{ :wiki:scripts:whitelist_github_repo_ips.sh |this helper bash script}} for shorewall. ====== Tested on ====== * Jenkins Version 2.426.3 in docker * Github 2024.05 ====== See also ====== * [[wiki:github_webhooks_via_api_calls|Github webhooks via api calls]] ====== References ======