{{tag>"media server" streaming troubleshooting emby plex raspberrypi }} ====== emby troubleshooting ====== ===== emby can see folder but no files displayed ===== If the permission are ok, check to see if the folder has files other than multimedia ones. You might get an error that won't show up in logs. To check switch to emby user and run find command: su -s /bin/bash emby emby@raspberrypi:~ $ find /media/touro -ls > /dev/null find: ‘/media/touro/antisa-desktop/duplicity-full.20190920T085932Z.vol1847.difftar.gpg’: Input/output error find: ‘/media/touro/antisa-desktop/duplicity-full.20190920T085932Z.vol1848.difftar.gpg’: Input/output error Errors above caused the issue with scanning the folder on external ntfs formatted usb disk. Remove the files or move the multimedia files to another folder. ====== Tested on ====== * rasbperry pi 3B+ * emby ====== See also ====== ====== References ====== * https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/98114-scan-library-files-results-in-0-items-found/