{{tag>ffmpeg youtube videos}} ====== ffmpeg commands ====== Cut video from 29 minutes to the end and save in out file ffmpeg -ss 00:29:50 -i video.webm -c copy out.webm ===== Capture desktop ===== ffmpeg -hide_banner -framerate 20 -video_size $(xrandr | awk '/\*/{printf$1}') -f x11grab -i $DISPLAY.0 screenRecording.mp4 ===== Add sound to video ===== ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -i input.mp3 -c copy -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 output.mp4 ====== Tested on ====== * ffmpeg version 4.2.7-0ubuntu0.1 ====== See also ====== * ====== References ====== * https://superuser.com/questions/377343/cut-part-from-video-file-from-start-position-to-end-position-with-ffmpeg * https://superuser.com/questions/590201/add-audio-to-video-using-ffmpeg