{{tag>rundeck acl}} ====== Rundeck add new role ACL policy ====== Log in to rundeck and go to //Settings > Access control > Create ACL policy// and paste the ACL configuration. Here is an example for "editor" role user having access to Backend project and being able to run "Sync" job: description: Editor context: project: 'Backend' for: resource: - equals: kind: event allow: 'read' - equals: kind: node allow: 'read' adhoc: - deny: run job: - equals: name: 'Sync' allow: [read,run,kill,killAs] node: - allow: [read,run,kill,killAs] by: group: editor --- description: Allow editors to actually see the above jobs context: application: 'rundeck' for: project: - match: name: 'Backend' allow: 'read' storage: # allow access to ssh key - match: path: 'keys/ssh_privkey' allow: 'read' by: group: editor Now create new user that belongs to the editor group in rundeck's //realm.properties// file, e.g. newuser:password1234,editor ===== Allow access to all jobs under Backend projet ===== In job section above, don't match on name, so that part would go like ... job: - allow: [read,run,kill,killAs] ... ====== Tested on ====== * Rundeck 4.5.0 (docker container) ====== See also ====== * ====== References ====== * https://resources.rundeck.com/learning/acl-policy-files-by-example/ * https://docs.rundeck.com/docs/administration/security/authorization.html#rundeck-resource-authorizations * https://kcaps.medium.com/rundeck-key-storage-acl-grant-access-to-path-27da34345220