When line ending cross-platform differences are causing git to modify files (Warning: LF will be converted to CRLF or vice-versa): We can change config settings on each repo, or better yet, using shared .gitattributes file
More info here https://help.github.com/articles/dealing-with-line-endings/
Sample .gitattributes file when we want to force LF line endings here: https://gist.github.com/dpalomar/ebc64d6f56cfc25a3e5c20fe7cdfbd4f
# These settings are for any web project # Handle line endings automatically for files detected as text # and leave all files detected as binary untouched. * text=auto # Force the following filetypes to have unix eols, so Windows does not break them *.* text eol=lf # Windows forced line-endings /.idea/* text eol=crlf # ## These files are binary and should be left untouched # # (binary is a macro for -text -diff) *.png binary *.jpg binary *.jpeg binary *.gif binary *.ico binary *.mov binary *.mp4 binary *.mp3 binary *.flv binary *.fla binary *.swf binary *.gz binary *.zip binary *.7z binary *.ttf binary *.eot binary *.woff binary *.pyc binary *.pdf binary *.ez binary *.bz2 binary *.swp binary