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Play multigigabyte asciinema recordings

Asciinema will not be able to play very large recordings in web browser, however playing in terminal should work. A workaround is to split the file to multiple smaller files example:

split -b 50M --additional-suffix=.cast 2023-05-31_15-14-30.cast

This will create multiple 50M files which you can then play, but make sure to format the each file correctly. At the beginning on first line there should be a header

{"version": 2, "width": 211, "height": 55, "timestamp": 1685538870, "idle_time_limit": 2.0, "env": {"SHELL": "/bin/bash", "TERM": "xterm-256color"}}

Also make sure the second and last line is properly formatted, probably the easiest is to just delete those lines if they are missing parenthesis or similar.

Tested on

See also
