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Create a Docker config Secret for private image pulling in Pulumi

	// Define the GitHub token secret
	ghTokenSecret, err := corev1.NewSecret(ctx, "ghTokenSecret", &corev1.SecretArgs{
		Metadata: &metav1.ObjectMetaArgs{
			Name:      pulumi.String("github-token-secret"),
			Namespace: serviceNamespace.Metadata.Name(),
		StringData: pulumi.StringMap{
			".dockerconfigjson": pulumi.String(`{
							"auths": {
									"": {
											"auth": "<base64 encoded string>"
		Type: pulumi.String(""),
	}, pulumi.Provider(k8sProvider))

	if err != nil {
		return err

Tweak the “auths” key above to your config. You can get the “auth” base64 value directly from your machine (~/.docker/config.json) and c/p it here. The value is just a concatenation of your username and pwd/token and you can create it like this:

echo -n "myusername:password1234" |base64 -w 0

Later you can reference the secret, for example in deployment:

	_, err = appsv1.NewDeployment(ctx, "my-deployment", &appsv1.DeploymentArgs{
		Metadata: &metav1.ObjectMetaArgs{
			Labels:    appLabels,
			Namespace: serviceNamespace.Metadata.Name(),
		Spec: &appsv1.DeploymentSpecArgs{
			Selector: &metav1.LabelSelectorArgs{
				MatchLabels: appLabels,
			Replicas: pulumi.Int(1),
			Template: &corev1.PodTemplateSpecArgs{
				Metadata: &metav1.ObjectMetaArgs{
					Labels: appLabels,
				Spec: &corev1.PodSpecArgs{
					Containers: corev1.ContainerArray{
							Name:  pulumi.String("my-app"),
							Image: pulumi.String(dockerImage), // Change to your Docker image
							Ports: corev1.ContainerPortArray{
									ContainerPort: pulumi.Int(appPort),
					ImagePullSecrets: corev1.LocalObjectReferenceArray{
							Name: ghTokenSecret.Metadata.Name(),
	}, pulumi.Provider(k8sProvider))

Tested on

See also


wiki/create_docker_config_secret_private_image_pulling_pulumi.1739977866.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/02/19 15:11 by antisa

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