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Input muliple form fields with keepassxc

If you need to input multiple information on web pages like for e.g. on AWS login Account ID, IAM user and password, use the following procedure.

On the website login click on Keepassxc browser plugin and then on “Choose custom login fields”. An overlay will now be displayed. You should now select “Strings” field and click on the input field that is supposed to be filled with custom text.

The order of chosen fields matters as this is the order of Additional attributes field in below screenshot. In screenshot above we selected two String fields, then we selected Username and Password fields. Username and password will be automatically filled. Now go to Keepassxc app, go to your entry > Advanced and add an Additional attribute.

This attribute must start with KPH: (and space after colon). You can add any description after colon and space. In value for this field add the text that needs to be filled.

Next time you visit the page hitting the Keepass icon will fill the Account ID with string “aaa”.

Tested on

  • KeePassXC-Browser Version:
  • KeePassXC Version: 2.7.5

See also


wiki/input_muliple_form_fields_keepassxc.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/09 12:37 by antisa

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