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Restrict Microsoft Teams or Groups creation

Connect to AzureAD first via powershell.

Start the Powershell as admin first.

Before running the script you need to check if you can execute the scripts on Windows:

Get-ExecutionPolicy -List

If it's undefined allow the current user to execute the scripts:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

Move groupcreators.ps1 script to C:\WINDOWS\system32 and try running it. Replace $GroupName = “Group Creators” with the name of the group that you created.

Example of successful output:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> .\GroupCreators.ps1
Account        Environment TenantId                             TenantDomain AccountType
-------        ----------- --------                             ------------ ----------- AzureCloud  5dxxxxx-xxx1-4xxa-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxc0  User
Id          : xxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx
DisplayName :
TemplateId  : xxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx
Values      : {class SettingValue {
                Name: EnableMIPLabels
                Value: False
              , class SettingValue {
                Name: CustomBlockedWordsList
              , class SettingValue {
                Name: EnableMSStandardBlockedWords
                Value: False
              , class SettingValue {
                Name: ClassificationDescriptions
Name  : EnableMIPLabels
Value : False
Name  : CustomBlockedWordsList
Value :
Name  : EnableMSStandardBlockedWords
Value : False
Name  : ClassificationDescriptions
Value :
Name  : DefaultClassification
Value :
Name  : PrefixSuffixNamingRequirement
Value :
Name  : AllowGuestsToBeGroupOwner
Value : False
Name  : AllowGuestsToAccessGroups
Value : True
Name  : GuestUsageGuidelinesUrl
Value :
Name  : GroupCreationAllowedGroupId
Value : xxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx
Name  : AllowToAddGuests
Value : True
Name  : UsageGuidelinesUrl
Value :
Name  : ClassificationList
Value :
Name  : EnableGroupCreation
Value : False

GroupCreationAllowedGroupId indicates which group is now allowed to create groups.

EnableGroupCreation now shows False.

Tested on

  • Windows 10 64-bit

See also


wiki/restrict_microsoft_teams_groups_creation.1619004239.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/21 11:23 by antisa

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