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lxc commands

create centos 6

lxc-create -n bitrix-dev -t centos -- -R 6

create debian wheezy container

lxc-create -n <contname> -t debian -- -r wheezy

LXC rename container

1. Shutdown container

lxc-stop -n <containername>

2. Open Terminal/Shell, Rename container root directory

sudo mv /var/lib/lxc/oldname /var/lib/lxc/newname

3. Rename hostname and paths in config

sudo vim /var/lib/lxc/newname/config
lxc.utsname = newname
lxc.rootfs = /var/lib/lxc/newname/rootfs
lxc.mount = /var/lib/lxc/newname/fstab

lxc mount host directory inside container

Add to config:

lxc.mount.entry=/backup /var/lib/lxc/mycontainer/rootfs/backup none bind 0 0

Moving lxc containers

cd /var/lib/lxc/$NAME/
tar --numeric-owner -czvf container_fs-$(date +%Y%m%d).tar.gz ./*

From one partition to another:

cp -a /data2/lxc/mycontainer /data/lxc/

Tested on

See also


wiki/lxc_commands.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/08 11:38 by antisa

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