Table of Contents
Jira troubleshooting
If there are problems with displaying non-english characters (čćšđž..) change the database to mysql and set correct encoding. Jira container by default uses h2db which is a java DB.
Run mysql docker container
docker run --name mysql-jira -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -e MYSQL_DATABASE=jira -d mysql:5.7
Download mysql connector
Unzip the file and copy jar to container
docker cp mysql-connector-java-8.0.20.jar jira-container:/opt/atlassian/jira/lib
Restart container
docker restart jira-container
Enter container and change db connection
Locate the dbconfig.xml file at the root of your JIRA home directory, the default locations are:
/var/atlassian/application-data/jira (on Linux)
Open the file in a text editing program. Change the storage engine parameter to the appropriate value. Save the file.
See also
wiki/jira_troubleshooting.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/14 09:42 by antisa