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Mikrotik OpenVPN setup
Create certificates
mkdir mikrotik_certs cd mikrotik_certs openssl genrsa -des3 -out mikrotik_ca.key 4096
Use different Common name (CN) for ca.crt here then for server.crt below:
openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -key mikrotik_ca.key -out mikrotik_ca.crt -config openssl.cnf
Generate server.key and .crt and sign with mikrotik_ca.crt:
openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 4096 openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in server.csr -CA mikrotik_ca.crt -CAkey mikrotik_ca.key -set_serial 01 -out server.crt
Then upload server.crt and server.key to Mikrotik.
In Mikrotik terminal execute
/ip pool add name=openvpn-pool range= /ppp profile add name=openvpn local-address= remote-address=openvpn-pool
Add desired users and passwords:
/ppp secret add name=user1 password=pwd1234 profile=openvpn /ppp secret add name=user2 password=pwd5678 profile=openvpn ...
Import cert and key:
/certificate> import file-name=server.crt /certificate> import file-name=server.key
/interface ovpn-server server set enabled=yes certificate=server.crt_0 /ip firewall filter add action=accept chain=input comment="OpenVPN" disabled=no dst-port=1194 protocol=tcp
Import ovpn config file to client
For linux config (i.e. ovpn file) copy the mikrotik_ca.crt at end of file inside <ca></ca> fields. Also change the “remote” and “route” lines to match the created config above.
Mikrotik does not support LZO compression or UDP connection.
See also
wiki/mikrotik_openvpn_setup.1621002226.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/14 14:23 by antisa